Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Reverend Billow: Jeremiah Wright 2.0

An investigative reporter for the Daily Dish recieved some controversial statements last night surrounding the Rusher campaign. Reverend Billow, pastor of St. Albans School and Chair of the Religion Department, voiced his support of Rusher for her position on public funding for parochial schools. According to Billow, Rusher "understands that some public funds for parochial school efforts is not necessarily a bad thing." Billow went on to say, "I have never understood the objections [to such funding]. After all, parochial school supporters have never objected to their tax dollars supporting public schools even though they do not advocate religion." These statements do not strike Daily Dish reporters as too controversial; however, what Billow said next was shocking and could provide ammunition to other campaign against Rusher's team.

Billow remarked, "public schools and their participants are in effect, Godless."

Public schools and their participants are Godless? Is Billow condemning public school students as sinners and deviants compared to the angels he teaches at parochial school? Does Sherry Rusher share his views? Ken Jee, Director of Communications for the Rusher campaign, responded, "Now that we have the power of God on our side, we are unstoppable."
Gunnar Sidak, the Director of Communications for the Campbell campaign, said he is unsure of Billow's meaning. Sidak hopes Billow did not mean that public school students had no respect for God, but understood how others could interpret it that way. Furthermore, he said it was unfortunate that Rusher's pastor feels this way about people of other beliefs. In contrast, Sidak explains, John Campbell is pro-education without being biased against public schools, and he is a popular candidate who has worked in many types of schools. "Campbell is clearly an opportunity to have an alternative candidate."
The Power of God? Is the Rusher campaign crusading (no pun intended) for religious activism in government? What about her liberal views on gay rights and abortion? It seems either Sherry Rusher or her zealous campaign team are contradicting themselves.

And Rev. Billow should remind himself what "separation of Church and State" really means.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A candidate should not be judged for the actions of others. A candidate should be judged on their actions and for their merits.