Monday, May 19, 2008

Final Thoughts: PACs, Money, and the Debate

The election is tomorrow, and the campaigns are taking last minute desperate measures to ensure success. The Rusher campaign, or the self-labeled “Dream Team”, has taken back its vow to reject PAC money, and last Friday, May 16, accepted $10,000 from the Touch Football and Frisbee clubs. Before this new development, the Rusher campaign was the only one rejecting PAC funding.
Last week, the Eagles campaign had received criticism for raising so much of its funds through PAC bundling. In response to the Rusher announcement, the Eagles Campaign Director, Graham Thompson, defended the use of PAC funds by saying, “In a country with the First Amendment, PAC money is as valid and hard earned as an individual gift”. He added, “All that noise about bundling last week was smoke and mirrors from the Rusher campaign. They were upset that we worked harder at fundraising.”
Yes, the Eagles campaign has earned the most money, but Rusher still leads in individual donors, indicating that she has the broad support of alumni, teachers, and students. In fact, this weekend Rusher picked up the support of teachers Earl Houston and Edie Ching. Nevertheless, Eagles has raised more than $85,000, while Rusher has just approached $70,000.
But do not forget about Campbell, who has raised a very respectable $82,000. And according to most students, Campbell won the debate last Thursday. One of his particular remarks both attacked his opponents and made him appear to be the best choice for the job. He said, “Now let me get this straight… Eagles is okay with not giving poor people health care and Sherry Rusher is okay with flip-flopping on supporting her pastor calling public schools ‘Godless’”.
The Daily Dish is eagerly awaiting the election results tomorrow and will keep the public updated as much as possible.

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