Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Election Night

With the votes still being counted, more information has emerged regarding the campaign finances of each team and some questionable tactics by supporters.
The Rusher campaign earned $81,700 during the course of the race and spent $60,500 on advertising and other expenses, the most of any of the candidates. The Eagles campaign raised $92,826 and dispersed $15,500 of it. The Campbell campaign, though raising $87,500, chose to spend none of it on advertising, and these reporters are wondering if this choice had a detrimental effect on Campbell’s presidential aspirations. Though Rusher raised the least money, she has outspent her opponents, and she seems to be running away with the election.
Two controversies have also arisen today. Francis Brooke, the brother of a top Rusher campaign member, filed a lawsuit claiming that the FEC had unjustly rejected his attempt to bundle all the St. Albans sports teams as a giant PAC. Unfortunately, the courts dismissed this challenge on the grounds that sports teams cannot be PACs because they belong to St. Albans.
Additionally, a rumor has circulated that a group of lower classmen threatened to “bum-rush” Ms. Grazette’s mailbox with ballots for Campbell because they felt that excluding them from the voting process has doomed Campbell. They argue that because only seniors can vote, the election is automatically tipped towards Rusher. The FEC rejected this claim because underclassmen are simply not old enough to vote in the presidential election and because the senior voters represent only one portion of the electoral pool. The BGE staff, the administration, and the lower school all seem to be leaning towards Rusher, so even without the seniors, she would likely win the election.
The final results and exact numbers will be released tomorrow morning.
(The pictures to left show the Rusher and Eagles campaign teams).

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